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Language-Driven Pedagogy


Building on the success of England’s first MFL Centre for Excellence, the continued partnership between The University of York and The Cam Academy Trust seeks to sustain our approach of strong partnership between academic research and teaching practice for translating educational research into effective classroom practice.

We provide a comprehensive programme of CPD showing how the recommendations from the MFL Pedagogy Review (2016) can be operationalised through a language-led, knowledge-rich and practice-based curriculum, whereby the three language knowledge strands: phonics, vocabulary and grammar underpin the development of confident communication, cultural understanding and creative use of language.  

  • Aligned with the MFL Pedagogy Review are both the new subject content for GCSE French, German and Spanish and the Ofsted languages research review
  • An extensive suite of freely available classroom resources accompany our CPD, in the form of schemes of work and lesson materials for French, German and Spanish at KS2, KS3 and KS4

Resource Portal

The LDP Resource Portal is an open and searchable database of materials supporting language learning and teaching. It holds classroom materials as well as resources detailing the underlying research-based principles.

The resources are informed by peer-reviewed research, fully align with the new Ofsted framework, the new GCSE Subject Content and draw on the recommendations of the Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review