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Behaviour Hubs

When schools are safe, disciplined, and positive environments, teachers can teach, and pupils can learn – free from disruption. The Behaviour Hubs programme can support school leaders by providing expert help to improve their school’s behaviour cultures.

Behaviour Hubs is a one-year programme for schools, with the option to extend for a second year if needed, and a two-year programme for MATs. The programme is fully funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and provides schools with support, training and advice aimed at improving pupils’ behaviour and generating sustainable, cultural change which is tailored to each individual school. The programme partners schools with a Lead School who has an exemplary track record in behaviour culture to provide senior leaders with bespoke support. There is also a stream for MATs who will be partnered in a similar way with a Lead MAT.

The programme

There are three streams of the programme to choose from, depending on the needs of the school or MAT:

  1. Core support - This stream is designed for schools who want to work independently to improve behaviour culture within their school. Schools will have access to high quality training, tools, resources, networking opportunities and be able to visit other schools with exemplary behaviour.
  2. Extended support - Designed for schools who would benefit from one-to-one support from a Lead School. In addition to provisions in Core support, Extended support schools will also receive ongoing coaching and mentoring to develop and deliver their new behaviour approaches.
  3. Multi-school support - This stream is designed for MATs who would like to develop and launch new behaviour approaches across multiple schools within their trust. MATs will get one-to-one support from a MAT executive team to help them develop and implement their new behaviour approaches across the trust. There will also be the opportunity to have one-to-one support (Extended support) for one of the schools within the trust.
Programme Timeline

The programme will take on a new cohort of schools each term, giving schools the option to join at a time of year which suits their need. Schools will be matched with a Lead School nearby and of the same phase (with a maximum travel time of 2 hours, where possible).

Training and support that all schools will receive:

Benefits to your school
  • Create a calm and orderly school environment where pupils are able learn without interference from others, and teachers can teach.
  • Free, bespoke support and advice for senior leaders from a Lead School or Lead MAT with exemplary behaviour culture who will help you to develop a plan to improve pupil behaviour.
  • Ongoing one-to-one support and mentoring from a Lead School, open days to observe good approaches in action, and hub networking events to share experiences and good practice.
  • Training led by Lead Behaviour Adviser to the Department for Education, Tom Bennett, and a team of expert Behaviour Advisors, all with in-school experience, and a wealth of resources developed by the team.

Funding and time commitment

Partner schools and MATs will receive a lump sum of funding at the end of their first year. This will part fund travel and expenses, attendance on the programme (for backfill) and implementation of their action plans. The amount of funding is in proportion to the time commitment expected for the programme:



To be eligible for the programme:

  • Schools must have a 'Good', ‘Requires Improvement’ or 'Inadequate' rating from Ofsted (if you have recently converted to an Academy, we will use the result of your last inspection).
  • You must be ready to make changes and have the leadership capacity to fully take part in the programme.
  • MATs joining the programme will be matched with another MAT and must have at least one 'Good', ‘Requires Improvement’ or 'inadequate' school within the trust (inspection must have taken place during the time that the school was part of the MAT).

Schools will be matched with a Lead School nearby and of the same phase (with a maximum travel time of 2 hours, where possible).

Behaviour Hubs will take on a new cohort of schools each term – and are currently accepting Partner school/MAT applications for spring and summer term starts in January or April 2023.

Click here for the application form.

Associated reports

Tom Bennett’s independent review on behaviour in schools and strategies to support effective behaviour cultures, and the government's response:

You can read the government's response to Tom Bennett's report here.

Download the Behaviour Hubs Brochure

Click here, or on the image below, to download the Behaviour Hubs brochure (last updated December 2021)