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Incredible free SEND resource by Whole School SEND (WSS)

Whole School SEND (WSS) have recently launched a SEND Teacher Handbook. This incredible free resources is a comprehensive one-stop-shop resources aimed at supporting teachers to develop and embed SEN and inclusive practices in their classrooms. It is cross-phase and subject specific and is a resource we would encourage you to become familiar with and share with your colleagues and local schools.

Please click on the image below to download the free Teacher Handbook:

Teacher Handbook: SEND front page

Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations who are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential. Hosted by NASEN, they deliver the Department for Education SEND Schools’ Workforce Support Contract and a randomised control trial funded by the Education Endowment Foundation.